
Our exciting journey towards an uncharted new world

By bringing together leading researchers and talented students, as well as government and industry partners, KAIST and NYU will create a new, cross-continental nexus of innovation, discovery, and entrepreneurship.

These efforts benefit from dedicated spaces both on KAIST’s main campus in Daejeon, South Korea, and NYU’s Downtown Brooklyn campus, the home of the NYU Tandon School of Engineering and the heart of the University’s technology and emerging media corridor. Joint professorships, affiliations, and doctoral and postdoctoral fellowship opportunities will also be available.

  • Research Groups

    Cochaired by an NYU and KAIST faculty member, each research group leverages each institutions' considerable academic and research expertise to innovate solutions and drive advances in some of the world's greatest challenges.

    • AI and Digital Governance

      Addressing the challenges of AI where the rapid pace of digital innovation has outstripped regulatory institutions and norms fundamentally altering the role of government and demanding a transformative new approach, one that leverages an international, diverse collective of experts.

      • 01 Kyung Ryul Park Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy, KAIST.
        Chair, AI & Society Committee, AI Institute, KAIST.
      • 02 S. Matthew Liao Arthur Zitrin Professor of Bioethics, NYU School of Global Public Health.
        Director, Center for Bioethics, NYU.
        Affiliated Professor, Department of Philosophy, NYU Arts & Science.
    • Cyber Resiliency and Security in an AI-Enabled World

      Using artificial intelligence (AI) for resiliency and cybersecurity while ensuring AI itself is resilient and secure.

      • 01 Ramesh Karri Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
        Affiliated Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
      • 02 Yongdae Kim (김용대) Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST.
        Affiliated Professor, Graduate School of Information Security, KAIST.
        Head, Police Science and Technology Research Center, KAIST.
    • Digital Innovation for Cities and Climate Change

      Addressing urban decarbonization in energy and transportation through scientific solutions that are technically robust, economically viable, and socially sustaining.

      • 01 Maurizio Porfiri Institute Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
        Institute Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, NYU Tandon School of Engineering Lab.
        Director, Center for Urban Science and Progress, NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
      • 02 Yoonjin Yoon(윤윤진) Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST.
        Principal Investigator, Deep Traffic, NRF Basic Research Lab.
        Lead, KAIST Urban Science Initiatives.
    • Inclusive Artificial Intelligence (AI)

      Developing the tools and frameworks to push AI forward over the next 10 years and make work in the domain-inspired AI areas more efficient.

      • 01 Julia Stoyanovich Institute Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
        Associate Professor of Data Science, NYU Center for Data Science.
        Director, NYU Center for Responsible AI (R/AI).
      • 02 Steven Euijong Whang Associate Professor, EE and Graduate School of AI, KAIST.
    • Intelligent Health Engineering

      Monitoring health from the hospital to the home, with diverse, accessible technologies.

      • 01 Andreas Hielscher Professor and Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering, NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
        Director, Clinical Biophotonics Laboratory (CBL), NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
      • 02 Su-Hyung Park (박수형) Associate Professor, Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering, KAIST.
        Director, KI Center for Epidemic Preparedness, KAIST.
    • Intelligent Wireless Communications

      Developing next-generation wireless networks to deliver pervasive, high-performance and secure communication to transform human connectivity and power applications in mixed and extended reality, robotics, transportation, telemedicine, and beyond.

      • 01 Elza Erkip Institute Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
      • 02 Junil Choi (최준일) (Named) Ewon Associate Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST.
    • Neural Science, Technology, and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

      Advancing our understanding of the nervous system’s function in health and disease through basic science and developments in neurotechnology and neuro-AI.

      • 01 Jaeseung Jeong (정재승) Professor and Head, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, KAIST.
        Head, School of Transdisciplinary Studies, KAIST.
      • 02 J. Anthony Movshon University Professor and Silver Professor,Center for Neural Science, NYU.
    • Next Gen Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

      Designing safe, autonomous, intelligent, and interactive robots to assist humans in complex or dangerous tasks.

      • 01 David Hyunchul Shim (심현철) Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST.
      • 02 Giuseppe Loianno Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
        Director, Agile Robotics and Perception Lab, NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
    • Next Gen Semiconductor Devices and Chips

      Advancing semiconductor technological developments through novel material use and leveraging the synergy of next gen devices and chip design to drive innovation in energy, bio, quantum computing, systems software, AI, and communications.

      • 01 SeongHwan Cho Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST.
        Head, Department of Semiconductor System Engineering, KAIST.
      • 02 Davood Shahrjerdi Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
        Faculty Director of Nanofabrication Facility, Electrical & Computer Engineering, NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
    • Critical Disaster Studies

      Learning more deeply, concretely, and democratically from disaster. This is an emergent interdisciplinary field that builds on insights from long-standing disciplines like disaster risk reduction, disaster medicine and public health, emergency management, and various engineering fields while seeking through a social scientific and humanistic lens to better understand and address the experiences and politics of people who are most at risk and to foster and contribute to their efforts to build more just, equal, and safe communities.

      • 01 Scott Gabriel Knowles Professor, Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy, KAIST
      • 02 Jacob Remes Clinical Associate Professor, NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Studies
    • Meta AI: Post-Metaverse Technology for MetaMuseum

      Providing new experiences by applying the concept of the 'post-metaverse,' which can be utilized in real-time in real places, thus connecting people and places beyond the limitations of space and time. We plan to apply this concept initially to museums.

      • 01 Woontack Woo (우운택) Professor, Graduate School of Culture and Technology, KAIST
        Director, KAIST Institute for IT Convergence Augmented Reality Research Center
      • 02 Qi Sun Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP), NYU Tandon School of Engineering
    • "Mobility and AI" Inhi Kim (Chair) Associate Professor, Cho Chun Shik Graduate School of Mobility, KAIST

      Integrating AI, human behavior modeling, and other emerging technologies in order to understand the complex interplay between urban structures and activities within the context of human and goods mobility and to inform the planning and operation of mobility systems for public health, safety, security, sustainability, and equity.

      • 01 Jinwoo Lee (Chair) Assistant Professor, Cho Chun Shik Graduate School of Mobility, KAIST
      • 02 Joseph Chow (Chair) Institute Associate Professor, Civil and Engineering, NYU Tandon School of Engineering Deputy Director, C2SMART University Transportation Center, NYU Tandon School of Engineering